Healthy lifestyle: 5 keys to a longer life

Living a healthy lifestyle revolves around certain factors and elements around the intentional act of daily routine and dietary regime. There are certain approaches to lengthen your life expectancy by over seven years, all alike.


Although most people believe ‘genes’ have a lot to do with consistent well-being, on the contrary, genes do not play much of a role in such matters till you cross seventy.
The good news, however, is that cancerous growths and cardiovascular malfunctioning are, to a great extent, preventable. At least, these are diseases that sometimes often lead to greater disaster. Furthermore, certain activities could cause some deterioration in your health if you still indulge in them, such as immobility (after a long time sedentary), smoking, alcohol consumption, drug abuse, binging on junk, and unrest.

If you wish to know the secret to leading a longer, active, healthier, and more fulfilling life, here are 5 keys to a longer life:

What is a healthy lifestyle, exactly?

Prior studies and research had been made over these particular areas due to the larger impact on premature death and the risks leading to or that follow. Here are some healthy defined habits:

1. Healthy Dietary;
One of the most calculated and rated intakes of healthy foods based on reports are foods like fruits, veggies, grains, nuts, fats (healthy fat!), water, and omega-3 fatty acids. Unhealthy diets or food such as sugar-sweetened beeves, meats, carbonated drinks, sodium, and trans-fat are unhealthy for consumption and can build up health issues, and accumulation of excessive sugar in the blood could lead to Hyperglycemia (High Blood Sugar).

2. Healthy body weight;
A healthy body weight should be anything between 18.5 and 24.9. For proper normal body mass index (BMI), try looking up the actual rate it gives; if it turns out to be below or above the normal limits, it is a sign you need to see your doctor. Or to cut down the intake of excessive consumption.

3. Healthy physical activity;
Practice the art of working out and engaging in physical activities measured to at least 30 minutes every day, of moderate to vigorous activity daily.

Also Read: The 10 Best Home Remedies for Weight Loss And Belly Fat: Lose Weight Naturally

4. Smoking
Quit smoking; there is never a healthy amount of smoking.

5. Reduced alcohol intake;
A normal moderate intake of alcohol is about 5 to 30 grams per day for men and between 5 and 15 grams per day for women because a drink contains over 12 grams of pure alcohol (literally about 10-12 ounces of ordinary beer) or 1.5 ounces of distilled spirits and 5 ounces of wine.

Be intentional in your;

1. habit of working daily

1. One of the best ways to actually cut the fat and trim your tummy down is to do abdominal exercises
2. To maintain a great physique, you should work out just twice a week.3. jogging one mile instead of walking the same lane or distance would help burn more calories.

2. Focus on what you have for breakfast daily. Eat healthy foods and take a lot of water. It is advisable to take a glass cup of water every morning after waking up and before taking your shower to reduce the tension too.

3. Stay “Happy” Always.

1. The key to staying healthy and living longer is staying happy and engaging in things that bring so much joy to your heart. Happiness from within keeps the body and mind healthier than any supplement would. Work on your sleeping habits and make sure to decrease sitting for longer hours with the on-screens; this leads to a happier life and a healthier lifestyle.

Although there are myriads of close follow-up and legal actions taken on how to help people make healthy diets and lifestyles, there are also certain pushbacks from other industries that produce these fast foods, all processed junk, chips, and sodas. Most of them are so focused on making money at the expense of human lives. However, it is your sole decision to live more healthily, and every necessary action that needs to be taken depends on what you choose to either do to your body or consume.


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